This is a great way to make your card stand out. You can use foil if you want to add a personal touch and luxury to your business card. Simply create a QR code that links to your desired destination and includes it on your business card. This is a great way to give people instant access to your website or social media pages. You can use a QR code to make your business card more interactive. Be sure to include your contact details so that people can reach you. Simply choose one of your best photos and use it as the background for your business card. This is a great way to promote your business and attract new clients. If you are a photographer, you can use your business card to showcase your work. This is a great way to make your business card look clean and uncluttered. You can also use negative space to create a more minimal design. The goal here is to keep your business card looking sleek and stylish. This can be anything from a single color to a clean and modern layout. For a more minimalist approach, you can use a simple design.